Monday, June 3, 2013

Turned in the ms for the second book in my CoveHaven menage series, GETTING IT ALL, (FFM), mid-month and sent in my first rewrites this weekend. Hopefully, my editor will be pleased. Should be out in July. Have started on the third MMM book in the series, WANTING MORE.

Attended Alice Orr's Pitch Perfect and Blurbalicious seminar last weekend at RWA/NYC and got fired up to really sail over the top in pitching and blurbing my books. Came up with a blurb that even got me going. You'll have to wait and see if it gets you going, too!

A deer rammed the car -- welcome to the spring mating season, I guess. In the middle lane of the Taconic surrounded by Memorial Day home-going traffic. That deer really must have wanted a relationship with that Toyota. Poor deer. Some relationships just don't work out. Poor Toyota. Lets just hope the little green gecko can wave it's magic wand and keep it going another 13 years.

Spring is finally here. Had to have two beloved evergreens that we had planted and nurtured for twenty years taken down. Some evergreens live forever, some don't. One thing about just never know.


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